In this blog series we are discussing five important tips that will help you with weight management. If you want to get caught up by reading part one, click here. Today we are continuing with number two…
We are 80% water and our brain is bathed in CSF which is also made up of mostly water. If you have frequent headaches, feel sluggish in the afternoon, or have a hard time concentrating, you are probably dehydrated. DRINK MORE WATER!
Water quickly passes through your system without the need of processing, but still can temporarily trick your body into thinking it is full. If you have hunger pangs but have already met your energy needs for the day, try a glass of water first.
If hitting your daily water intake is a challenge for you, check out my lemon-ginger detox drink below and you’ll be sipping all day!
- Ice
- 1/4 cup organic lemon or lime juice
- 1 to 2 TBSP organic apple cider vinegar with the mother
- 2 to 4 drops lemon or lime essential oil
- 2 drops of ginger essential oil
- 2 to 3 “donks” of pure stevia extract (donk = 1/32nd of tsp)
- Water to fill a 32 oz glass mason jar or stainless steel water bottle
- Fill mason jar or water bottle with ice
- Add lemon/lime juice, apple cider vinegar, stevia, and essential oils to taste.
- Add water to fill jar
- Stir and sip on it all day from a stainless steel straw.
Have you read Part 1?
For even more information, tips, tricks, and weight loss hacks, download my e-book now for free!