It was almost 7 years ago while struggling with a new diagnosis of hypothyroidism that someone first shared essential oils with me and offered me the possibility that these magical, hippie potions could actually help me with my weight gain, fatigue, dry skin and ulitimately, my belief in myself.
I was skeptical... without a doubt... but I was also desperately searching for answers and natural ways to support my body. Luckily the person who first introduced essential oils to me knew I needed to hear the science behind essential oils, not just the stories. They had a reference manual of essential oils that included hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific references that I could check out on PubMed.
And just like that, I was in. The nurse part of my brain was so happy that the science checked out, and the hippie part of me that wanted to find a natural solution was happy too. Since then, I've become an essential oil educator and advocate helping others to benefit from essential oils and the amazing health benefits of these super-power plants.
In the E-Book that you are just about to download, you will have in your hands a simple, practical, and actionable plan for natural weight loss using atypical advice.
And, as a bonus, I have included how 3 of my favorite essential oils that can complement the weight loss plan and further support your weight loss goals.
I have given you a quick reference guide on how to use essential oils safely and quickly. It includes all the information I wish I had known when I first started using essential oils
Now, before you leave this page, and go to Amazon to see if you can find some cheap and probably synthetic essential oils, I have an exclusive offer just for you below, nurse to nurse.
This is why I offer "atypical" advice to nurses who are fed up with mainstream advice that doesn't work for us, or let's be honest, for our patients either.
Essential oils are not "snake oil," but are actually backed by scientific data that supports their evidence of working with our bodies unique systems to help with weight loss through controlling cravings, improving sleep, and more.
This price includes tax and shipping (US only)
And, this is the lowest price you can find for pure, therapeutic grade essential oils that deliver powerful health benefits from the moment you open the bottle. This price works out to less than $10 a bottle, which is a small price to pay for increasing your energy, kicking your sugar cravings to the curb, sleeping better, and removing toxins gently from your home. And doing it all naturally.
I know you will love these three essential oils and you'll never regret trying them out for yourself!
Let's get started!!