I recently gave a webinar for my doTERRA team about the Top 3 TOXINS that we are all exposed to, the health effects of these toxins, and 3 SOLUTIONS to manage these inevitable exposures.
The TOP 3 TOXINS that I want everyone to be aware of are:
1. Plastics
2. Preservatives
3. Perfumes
(There are more, but for the sake of keeping this short, I will skip pesticides and processed foods.)
The TOP 3 SOLUTIONS to reduce your body’s burden of these potentially harmful chemicals are:
1. Eliminate
2. Reduce
3. Substitute
Elimination is the most severe option and the one that I ascribed to for the longest time… Whenever I would learn about something that could be harmful, like paraben, phthalates, or the lack of regulations of cosmetics and body care products, I would throw everything away.
Reduction is a good option if you don’t want to throw something away, but it doesn’t have the best ingredients. Let’s say you have a product that you absolutely love, for example, a perfume given to you by your very special grand-mother that is filled with undisclosed ingredients. My advice is to use the product in very small amounts and just on special occasions. Another option is to apply the perfume to clothing or another object and minimize direct exposure to your skin.
Hydration increases absorption, so if you apply a product while bathing (you or your little ones) there will be more absorption. Best to apply products with less-desirable ingredients to dry skin.
Substitution is the situation where you get to have your cake and eat it too. Use a diffuser instead of lighting candles. Add one drop of essential oil to unscented lotions and oils. Add a drop of essential oil to your water instead of sugary additives.
Eliminate, Reduce, and Substitute!!! I have found that essential oils have been great tools for me to SUBSTITUTE for yucky stuff. Click To TweetIf you’d like to learn more about the toxins and the solutions that I’ve briefly reviewed here, then I’d like to invite you to watch a recording of a webinar and download a copy of my presentation slides. CLICK HERE, or on the image below.
If you are not yet using pure and therapeutic grade essential oils as alternative plugins, air fresheners, or candles, then I’d like to invite you to schedule a free and private consultation with me! CLICK HERE to schedule.