by kathiRN | Sep 24, 2018 | Essential Oils
Remember last week when I told you all about our first ever Essential Oil Nurses Conference: Science Not Stories? Well did you know that event was just the warm-up event for the real reason I was in Salt Lake City… doTERRA’s Global Convention 2018! This was a... by kathiRN | Sep 17, 2018 | Essential Oils
Are you a healthcare professional interested in implementing essential oils into your practice or at your facility? What if I told you that you could spend the entire day surrounded by hundreds of other professionals who feel exactly the same way and you could spend... by kathiRN | Sep 14, 2018 | Essential Oils
Essential oils have been a universal part of holistic health care for thousands of years. They offer some of the best forms of physical, emotional, and spiritual health and well-being in a safe and natural way. There is a common misconception that essential oils are... by kathiRN | Sep 5, 2018 | Essential Oils, Self-Care
Do you consider yourself to be an “emotional” person? Well, the truth is that we are human and this means we are ALL emotional people, whether we want to admit it or not! I am not always the best at expressing my emotions but I know that holding them in or ignoring... by kathiRN | Sep 3, 2018 | Essential Oils
Someone once told me that there are two New Years every year. The first is the first of January, and the second is the day after Labor Day! Does anyone else feel this way? For some reason, it’s always a crazy transition going from summer to fall, whether you have...